Does summer air quality affect your eyes?
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In a country like India where air quality index is perpetually on the red mark, it's important to take definitive measures in order to safeguard ourselves and avoid falling prey to any kind of malady. Especially during summers, air pollution spikes up to an alarming rate and has severe consequences. The weather reports on T.V or radio might refer to terms such as smog or air pollution which is nothing but the presence of excessive ozone in the atmosphere. So, what is ozone and why do we have so much of it? Ozone is an odourless, colourless gas present in the earth's atmosphere
Squint and lazy eye in children
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Have you ever encountered a child or an adult who look in a way, but the viewer doesn’t actually understand in which direction he/she might be looking at. It is a condition where both the eyeballs don’t point in the same direction. It is actually a virtual problem in which the eyes lose their alignment and as a result point, both point in different directions. For instance, one eye may happen to appear straight, while the other eye revolves inwards, outwards, upwards, downwards or literally any direction. This condition doesn’t have an age barrier and, can affect children as well
10 Eye healthy foods to eat
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The eye is very powerful, essential, and predominant part of the human body. But, Eyes are very sensitive and need a lot of care and protection. Nowadays, everyone uses a laptop, and mobile for the whole day without realising the fact that these electronic items are very dangerous and unfavourable for our eyes. Children are also get affected due to the TV screen and use of mobile. To secure our eyes from any kind of harmful rays of an electronic screen, we should visit eye specialist whenever we feel stress on our eyes and should eat healthy foods. The following food
Warning signs of a child vision problem
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Every child learns most of the things by looking at other people that is vision plays a very important role in a child’s learning. When a child isn’t able to learn and develops learning difficulties, chances are the child has visual problems. You will be surprised to know, 60 per cent of the problems are undiagnosed. This overall hinders a child’s education as well as social qualities. However, there are plenty of ways by which you can make sure this doesn’t affect a child. The problem started because adults don’t usually realize the child is suffering from the visual problem and
Vitrectomy And Vitreoretinal Eye Surgery
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Vitreoretinal surgeries refer to a complete group of surgeries performed inside the eyes. This could include treating the retina, and the gel-like material called vitreous. Vitrectomy is performed by many eye hospitals in Delhi. MM Eyetech is one of the best hospitals which perform outstanding eye surgeries. Why Vitreoretinal Eye Surgery? This surgical procedure is widely employed to treat various medical conditions. Depending on the condition being treated, it could take from one to several hours. Let’s see a few of the main conditions treated by vitrectomy below. ● Serious Eye Injuries ● Wrinkles in Retina ● Severe Infections inside Eye ● Injured Blood Vessels in
Glaucoma: The Disease That Steals Your Sight
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma represents a condition that arises due to the intraocular pressure inside your eyes. This pressure can injure the optic nerve that transmits the images to your brain for processing. Glaucoma can lead to permanent vision loss over time. It would scarcely require a few years for glaucoma to drain your complete vision off. Hence, it is extremely essential to receive prompt treatment for glaucoma to prevent vision loss. How to Detect Glaucoma? Glaucoma is often called the “sneak thief of vision” since most people don’t observe any symptoms at all. It just sneaks in and steals the vision entirely.
Caring for your eyes in cold weather
Self-care and protection changes when climate does. So should eye care. You change your clothes according to the changing seasons. Eye care must also vary accordingly because your eyes are prone to lots of climatic substances. These in some way or the other affect your eye. You must plan your eye care routine right away, especially when winters are near or are at your doorstep. Dry heat precaution When your eyes are exposed to heat, from any object, just as your skin dries up, so can your eyes. When encountered with such a situation, make sure you take good care of
Treatment for Corneal disease
Eyes are the most important part of the human body and it is necessary to do regular check-ups for eyes. You can visit many eye testing centre in India. There are a number of best doctors and clinics in India among which, MM Eyetech stands out. Sometimes, you face the major eyes disease which needs to be cured as soon as possible. One of the major diseases is Corneal disease. The corneal disease occurs when the bacteria attacks on the transparent shield of an eye but it can be cured in many ways. The major treatment for this Corneal disease is
How can I protect my eyes from diabetes?
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Are you suffering from diabetes? There is a great chance for you to develop any eye related problem which would be the result of Diabetes. For starters, we can provide you with some care or cautions which you can take up to save your eyes in the coming years. If you are diabetic, these eye conditions may affect you - Diabetic Macular Edema (DME), cataract, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. All these conditions in common are prone to blindness and vision loss. Diabetic retinopathy affects the blood vessels in the retina. The retina is the light-sensitive tissue that covers the eye’s back