Staying ahead of age-related vision loss
The most vital organ of our body which is affected with growing age is our “eyes”. Diverse type of vision-related problems can be encountered by you simultaneous in the proportion of your age which, is ever increasing. You might have started noticing it already if you have aged quite well. Hence, you need to look out for all the kinds of conditions you could fall prey for. Many people go for Lasik surgery in Delhi or glaucoma treatment in Delhi also.
The common of all
Most of the individuals, irrespective of the fact how perfect eyesight they had their entire life, need glasses after a particular age. The reason for the same is Presbyopia, a condition of near-sightedness. This condition initially takes place because of the loss of flexibility of the eye’s lenses. This condition usually results in having difficulty reading small objects. A person suffering from this condition increases the distance between the eye and the object more and more. This is when glasses come into the frame and help cope with this condition.
However, there are some conditions which are very dangerous to an extent which can lead to loss of vision. Though the good news is with early detection and treatment, most of the conditions can be treated, delayed or even reversed. The conditions include: –
- Glaucoma
- Retinal detachment
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Macular degeneration
- Cataracts
Along with a regular eye check-up, you must checklist a number of activities which is a must to help you stay away from all the above-mentioned disorders.
- Stay active
The first step to have healthy eyes is having a healthy lifestyle which means you have to stop slouching and resting. Exercise is a must to flex all your body muscles which would also not define your age if properly carried out. Make sure to indulge yourself in a workout routine to protect your eyes as well.
- Eat healthy
Eye requires a number of nutrients and vitamins which are a must to help it function in a proper way. If you have bad eating habits, required vitamins fail to absorb in your body and hence you would be prone to more problems. Make sure to eat healthy food.
Take into account below-mentioned precautions as well.
- UV protection
- Don’t smoke
- Avoid excess of screen time
- Schedule yourself an eye examination frequently
We are among one of the best eye hospitals in Delhi and are happy to help you and provide assistance for all your queries. Feel free to contact us via our website or fix an appointment with our doctor.
Website: http://www.mmeyetech.com/
Contact number: +91-11-29847700